Phone Number Finder

Extract phone numbers in bulk for businesses listed on Google Maps Places.

Google Maps Places is a rich source of information, providing detailed listings for millions of businesses. With accurate and up-to-date phone numbers at your fingertips, you can eliminate guesswork and improve the efficiency of your communication. 

Our Phone Number Finder enables you to quickly extract phone numbers associated with businesses of interest on Google Maps Places. This tool is a game-changer for sales and marketing professionals, enabling them to streamline their outreach efforts and connect directly with potential clients

Whether you’re looking to expand your customer base, reach out to prospects, or conduct market research, our no-code scraping solution gives you the competitive edge. 

Using the ImportFromWeb add-on and the function it adds to Google Sheets, you can extract phone numbers from Google Maps Places in bulk without technical knowledge!

What you get?

With =IMPORTFROMWEB(), you extract the phone numbers for any businesses or places listed on Google Maps Places!

Check all the other available Google Maps data points

Step by step

First of all, make sure you have installed the ImportFromWeb add-on from the Google Workspace Marketplace.

Then, just follow these easy steps:

Open a new Google Sheets and activate ImportFromWeb

To activate the add-on, go to Extensions > ImportFromWeb > Activate add-on.

Activate ImportFromWeb add-on

Input list of businesses and places

Add the list of businesses and places that you want, as shown below:

Input list of businesses

Input the Google Maps search URL

ImportFromWeb requires 2 parameters: a URL and one or more data selectors.

You can build the Google Maps search URLs with the following formula:  =””&A2

Input Google Maps search URLs

Input the phone number selector

Data selectors describe the specific content you want to import from your Google Maps URLs. 

In this case, you need the phone_number data selector. For the full list, see our Google Maps selectors glossary

This is what your spreadsheet should look like:

Input phone number selector

Write the =IMPORTFROMWEB() function and extract phone numbers

Just add this formula: =IMPORTFROMWEB(B2,C1)

Within seconds, you’ll get the first phone number.

Write IMPORTFROMWEB() function

Scale the collection process

After adding the $ symbol around the data selectors, drag the formula down to the last row:

Drag down to copy formula

We’ve designed an easy-to-use template.
Make sure you have installed and activated ImportFromWeb in your Google Sheets.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I extract emails from Google Maps using IMPORTFROMWEB?

No, Google My Business pages or profiles on Google Maps do not typically contain email addresses. Consequently, IMPORTFROMWEB does not directly facilitate email extraction from Google Maps.

However, there are two alternative methods available:

  1. Using IMPORTFROMWEB: Utilize the “emails” generic selector on any webpage where email addresses are present. Example formula: =IMPORTFROMWEB("", "emails")
  2. Using IMPORTFROMGOOGLE with a Boolean Search: input a boolean search to your IMPORTFROMGOOGLE to potentially find email addresses. Example formula: =IMPORTFROMGOOGLE("your query", "emails")